Soft Skills workshop

Soft Skills workshop « Back to the future » for the Masters students at Rennes School of Business
During this experience, students work as a team and experiment a workshop inspired by the “dragon dreaming” method. This method is used to transform dreams into shared strategies that you will be able to reuse in your work environment.
The purpose of this experiential workshop is to develop collaborative intelligence and abilities to :
✅ Organize more efficiently collective work to reach your common objective,
✅ Develop creativity within your team and collaborate with all the members,
✅ Manage your projects and be in a process of continuous improvement,
✅ Know better yourself, identify your strengths and weaknesses in team work
Feel free to reuse our work for your own
Click on these links to download :
- all the visuals to print
- the running order to follow
- Email to send to the students
- an example of students work and drawings
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. Click here to view a copy of this license.
Feel free to contact us to get our feedback of this amazing experience 🙂
Project details
Client Rennes School of Business
Date March 2022
Category Workshop
Participants 91 students from 4 different masters
Lieu Rennes School of Business Paris and Rennes
Results with 54 answers to our survey
We facilitated 4 sessions for a total of 91 students
7.5/10 overall
89% recommend this event to other students
Student feedback
« Si un jour je suis manageur et que j’ai besoin d’encadrer un groupe de personne je saurai en fonction du type de personne instaurer un cadre de travail et de réflexion ou chacun sera à l’aise. »
« Apprendre le travail d’équipe, écouter les autres, qu’il est important de travailler dans la bonne humeur, que chaque personne a sa plus value à ajouter, qu’il ne faut pas travailler dans la gêne / le jugement / la peur. »